
Why was I Born? The Plausible Reasons Behind My Birth

Why and How We Are Born: A Humorous Take on My Birth and Life's Purpose

For a long time, I have been pondering over this question: Why was I born? What was the reason?

Before presenting all theories of my being born, let me answer another query that used to make me restless in my childhood.

How was I born?

When I was a kid, the question that preoccupied my mind was: 

How was I born? 

When I put this query before my parents, they looked at each other suspiciously as if they had nothing to do with this conspiracy. They shut me up by saying: 

“Civilized children don’t ask such uncivilized questions. They are just content with their lives.”

I was not a civilized child and was not content with my life. So, I asked my aunt how I came into this world. She cast a long, penetrating gaze at me and looked away. After a long silence, she told me:

“An angel descended from heaven. He put you on your parents’ lap. That is all.”

“Does every child come into this world in the same way?” I asked.

“No. Only you came in this way. Other people are born the same way animals give birth to their offspring.”

I had seen the ugly and filthy way mammals give birth, and I disliked the process. I felt special and excited when my romanticized arrival story was told. The “HOW” puzzle was resolved once and for all, and it didn’t bother me afterward.

Now, another question is worrying me.

 Why was I born? What was the reason behind my birth?

Here are some reasons for my birth, and you will find them Jaw-dropping.

I was Born to Set the Universe in Order

The world is in trouble. There is a constant disruption in the cosmos. Galaxies are colliding with each other. Stellar evolution is occurring. Stars are rapidly losing their radiation. Greenhouse gases are causing global warming and climate change. Everything is not in order, from cosmic expansion to cosmic explosion, and someone had to fix it.

That is why I was born, i.e., to put the universe in order. If you see my busy schedule and daily routine, you would be surprised and might feel inferior and ashamed. My whole night is spent in the space while supervising, managing, and administering the cosmos.

That is my nighttime schedule. What do I do during the day? Oh, there are more problems to be fixed on this planet. Some countries have dictatorships. I have to replace them with democracies. Some economies are melting down, so I have to arrange a meeting with the IMF. There is gender discrimination, caste and race bias, inequality, prejudice, bigotry, xenophobia, and so on.

I do these tiresome jobs all day long because I was born to fix the world and make a difference.

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God had a Design to Create me. Really?

The pundits, clergymen, and preachers say, “God had a design, a task, a mission to be fulfilled. So he created you, and you have to fulfill the mission.”

Really? So he chose me for the purpose. Again, I feel special and become excited, but some points still irritate me.

When I ask them: “What is the mission?

They come up with a range of topics, from saving the world to the salvation of souls. When I introspect, I find myself helpless and powerless. God has not conferred on me the power to save any of them. Alas, I don’t have the prowess to destroy it, let alone save it.

If God had that grand design in mind, He must have given me the muscle. When a five-star general is given full autonomous power, decision-making authority, and a group of soldiers in his command, he is supposed to win the battle and save his territory. But how a soldier in this battalion is tasked single-handedly to win the war and fulfill the mission of some commander-in-chief?

I was born because I had to

Atheists and areligious don’t subscribe to the above reason for my birth. They simply say:

“You were born because of the natural processes of reproduction and evolution. There is no divine plan to create you. There is no purpose or meaning in your creation. Don’t feel special. You are just an animal, like a scorpion, snake, and other venomous creatures.”

I have not bitten anyone, though I have a burning desire to inject my venom into some people, especially this class of thought that doesn’t buy the glorified reason for my birth and proposes their own pessimistic views.

Why I was born? Theories of my friends regarding my birth

I asked my friends this question: Why was I born? What is the reason behind my birth?

“Do you agree that you are an animal species and hold no special ground in this regard?” An educated friend asked me.

“Yes. Though I don’t like being a monkey, I am told my ancestors were monkeys.” Answered I.

“Neither a monkey wishes to become you.” He said in a sarcastic tone and continued.

“My question is: Have you ever heard a monkey or any other animal ask such questions like why I was born? What was the reason?”

“No,” I replied.

“So why are you asking? What is the reason behind this pompous and narcissistic query? You shouldn’t be so obsessed with your birth. You are as much an animal as other animals.”

I went to another friend and asked him the same question. He went into deep meditation. Raising his head from the deep introspection, he said in a philosophical tone:

“Actually, a poor man wanted to have one more poor man to carry on his legacy.”

“What is the purpose of my life?” I asked him.

“To have more poor men.” He briefly answered.

Wrap-up Jest

I wrap up my article with a short jest of college days.

A friend of mine had some personal grudges with Newton. He couldn’t understand Newton’s laws. He used to say:

“Five minutes of enjoyment by Newton’s parents has put a whole upcoming generation into great trouble. If that unfortunate night his parents had slept separately, I would have never failed Physics.”

Though my parents might not have put the whole generation into any trouble, at least they have plunged me into this conundrum. 

Muhammad Nabi Chitrali

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." Ben Franklin I'm Muhammad Nabi, a creative writer and content creator who firmly believes that words matter. Expression counts. The purpose of this website is to showcase my portfolio, including my stories, content, and Travelogue experiences. If you want to learn more about me, my journey, and this website, please visit the About page.

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