
Welcome to my website and this page, where I will tell you something about myself, my journey, and this website. Let me give you a quick glimpse into my life.

About Me

I was born into a nomadic family. Where and when was I born? I don’t know. Neither did my parents. It is not essential. What is important is that I was admitted to a primary school when I was the same age as I am now, around 2002 or 2004. (Something must be left to the researchers.)

The Shepherd Boy in School

It was a pleasant and exciting experience of transformation from pasturing and looking after the goat herd to mingling with fellow students and teachers. I stood out as a tall, black, hard-faced shepherd among them, who was a source of amusement for my classmates. The newcomer was like a stranger goat joining another herd. Everyone was staring at me. I was a big source of entertainment for them, a laughingstock for me.

When done with primary education, Santiago, the shepherd boy in search of his own Legend, went to a town school. He was a typical villager there. Once again, he became a Shakespearean clown. But he buried himself in books and rarely appeared in the limelight.

During my school days, I read whatever I had at my disposal. The small school library was too small to quench my thirst, so I bought a laptop and started reading books in digital format. The reading habit I built in those early days never left me afterward, and I had to pay a hefty price for it. I couldn’t become a topper and never took an interest in coursework. I still pay the cost with a restless soul and a jobless predicament.

College Life and My Interest in Religion

After matriculation, there were two avenues before me: Engineering and Medical. There was no third option, or so we were told. I opted for Pre-Medical and dreamed of becoming a doctor. During my college days, my main interest was reading religious books. Conventional scholars like Taqqi Usmani, Tariq Jameel, Shafi Usmani, and Yousuf Ludhianvi, as well as unconventional religious scholars like Moudoodi, Dr. Israr Ahmad, Zakir Naik, and Ghamdi, became my college affairs. I mixed them up, and they confused me. I started creating my view of religion. I didn’t become a religious scholar—nor a doctor. I ended up being a traveler on many boats. Such is the journey of a seeker. Of a restless soul.

University Life

After obtaining my college degree, I lost interest in pursuing a medical career. Perhaps it was because of exposure to new books that changed my perspective. My bad-wishers claimed I was an avid reader and suggested that I should pursue a degree in English literature or political science. I opted for the former, as it seemed to me that it would replace science, religion, and politics. I had had enough and wanted a change of pace.

While a university education may not necessarily equip one with life skills or prepare them for the practical battles of life, it does answer questions about life and its myriad hues. Here, John Dewey’s paradoxical statement rings true: education is not merely a preparation for life, but it is life itself. I took this to heart and relished those days to the fullest. Socializing with friends, traveling, reading for leisure, and journaling and posting on social media were my favorite pastimes during that time.

My Readings During Graduation

My favorite subjects were literature, philosophy, psychology, and history during my undergraduate degree. In literature, the dramas of Shakespeare and the poetry of Robert Frost, Wordsworth, Keats, Coleridge, etc., Victorian and Russian novelists appealed to me mainly. After reading “Sophie’s World” and Will Durant’s “The Story of Philosophy,” I fell in love with philosophy and read the works of almost all great Greek and Western philosophers.

Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Adler remained my big stars in psychology. I delved into Islamic history and the history of British India and Pakistan. After reading “Murder of History,” “Freedom at Midnight,” and “Sapiens,” I had to unlearn and relearn a lot. These books proved to be a paradigm shift.

The Beginning of Practical Life

I graduated in 2020 and then shifted to Lahore to pursue some writing jobs. I published a few of my articles in newspapers. I worked at a news website based in Spain for a year. During those three post-graduate years, I wrote M. Phil and Ph.D. thesis, a book on entrepreneurship, and anonymous articles for websites and journals. Later, I returned to my hometown and pursued a master’s degree in Urdu Literature. A year ago, I joined a double-shift college and started teaching English.

My Recent Activities

Currently, I am doing freelance writing, researching, writing stories and articles, working on a novel, and teaching. Reading and writing have become my life partners and permanent companions. They are my passion.

About Creative Chitrali

I was in fifth grade when I started writing diaries. I used to share my diary with friends, and they took an interest. Sometimes, I saw a smile on their faces, which amused me. It was back in 2016 when I began publishing posts on social media. After writing on these platforms for seven years, I realized that some serious work should be done. Social media does earn you a name and fame and gives you friends, but it doesn’t pay you. And one really needs it, especially when they are in a struggling age.

I realized the importance of a website when I approached international clients, and they asked me about a portfolio website.

Apart from that, I feel it is the digital age, and only those will survive who jump on this bandwagon. Remote work replaces conventional office jobs, and people are launching themselves online. The new Technology and evolving AI have something unimaginable in store for us. We will only survive the shock if we adjust ourselves to the Technology and learn to work with it. It is an obedient servant if adequately ordered. In this era, humans and Technology shouldn’t be regarded as enemies but as friends.

What will I publish on Creative Chitrali?

The website is intended to create a portfolio. However, I do work on its SEO and ranking it on Google Search engine, but it is not the sole purpose. If it were, I would limit it to one niche and focus on relevant keywords.

I have divided the website into the following sections:


Here, I post my stories and creative work. It is my particular area, and the website is named after it. Storytelling is an art, and it is something that tools of Open AI can’t do until and unless they have human emotions, feelings, and experiences.

The importance of fiction is undeniable. It is an imaginative work of a scientist to propose a theory, and later on, it becomes the scientific reality. Futurists rely on imagination to glance into the future. According to Yuval Noah Harari, religions, cultures, currency, banks, and human rights are all based on fiction and stories.

I adore so much the saying of Turkish Novelist Elif Safak. She writes:

“God is the biggest storyteller. When we create stories, we connect with Him and with each other across cultural, religious, and gender boundaries.”


It is the second section of this website. Content writing falls into this section. It is research-oriented, keyword-specific, and fact-based work.


Traveling is also a big part of life. Understanding the diversity of cultures, ways of life, values, customs, and traditions, the beauties of the countryside, striking cities, historical places, and the experience one gets, all these things are worth writing about. I write travelogues of my own and for others.


“If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you.” – Oscar Wilde.

Humor and satire are figurative tools I use in my writing. I post essays, stories, and articles written in a humorous way on this page.


Technology, especially Artificial Intelligence, is another topic that interested me recently. I have read and watched much on AI and its tremendous power, bioengineering, and biotech. The chatGPT, which has astonished many, is just an offshoot of AI. The future has more in store. I use this page for Technology.


Asking questions, taking an interest in the lives of others, persuading, and conversing with great brains always gave me much pleasure. I have interviewed many common and uncommon folks. This page is going to be used for this purpose.


“The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.” – Descartes.

I AM COMPLETELY ABSORBED IN A BOOK when I am not researching, traveling, or writing. Writing reviews is also an old habit of mine. This website provides an excellent platform to share my reviews and readings.

That is all.

Final words to clients

I’m Muhammad Nabi – a creative writer and content creator who firmly believes that words matter. Expression counts. As Ben Franklin said:

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” 

I’m here to help you do both. If you’ve lived through something worth writing about, I can help you tell that story in a way that’s worth reading. And if you’re looking for someone who can bring your ideas to life, whether it’s a punchy copy for your brand, an SEO-optimized blog for your website, or an engaging article for your newspaper, I’m your guy. 

Reading and writing are not just a job for me but a passion. I understand everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone has the words to express it. That’s where I come in. Let me help you share your story with the world. Get in touch today, and let’s create something worth writing (and reading).

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